
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Worholes and Black Holes

General theory of relativity states that if you fall into a black hole, you would be torn apart. The process is formally known as spaghettification which is a gradual stretching of a/the body by increasingly intense gravitational forces.

However the laws of quantam physics suggest that a/the body would be burned up. This is because black holes emit photons through a concept known as Hawking radiation, however these photons get trapped in the black hole, this process is known as entanglement. The laws of quantam entanglement state that a particle cannot be entangled with more than one thing at a time and this rule is broken due to the fact that the protons in a black hole not only get entangled with the black hole, they also get entangled with each other.

To solve this conundrum, physicist Joseph Polchinski at the University of California, Santa Barbara suggested that such an entanglement simply decays which leaves large amounts of energy on the black hole's event horizon, thus anyone going for a nose would be burned up rather than ripped to pieces.

Thus another problem between general relativity and quantam physics arose. Recently a theory has been put froward by two of the world's most renowned physicists; Juan Maldacena from the Institute of Advanced Study, Princetown and Leonard Susskind from Stanford University, California. They suggested that instead of the clasical wormhole between two black holes, that there should be a new kind...

Wormholes arise from the maths associated with general relativity but the pair went on to show that quantum physics can also suggest the presence of wormholes which (in quantam terms) is described as the entanglement of two black holes. thus their idea of extending the maths of wormholes had good footings, as both theories agreed with each other.

The idea of wormholes in quantam mechanics is that they 'join' two entangled black holes, the pair extended this idea to just one black hole and thus came up with a theory that makes the decay of entanglement unnecessary.

They suggest that the above wormhole, which links a black hole and its Hawking radiation may not pose problems for quantam theory and thus the problems associated with quantam entanglement and black holes. Thus the wall of energy on a black hole's event horizon becomes unnecessary.

There is much enthusiasm for this new theory although it is generally agreed that it needs more work before it can fit snugly and convincingly into the gap. It is also hoped that with some further investigation it may give us leads as to haw to unite the two theories.

For further reading, please see this link, this link and this link.

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